Ivy Circle Young Alumni Drinks on Thursday, Aug 25 in the College Hotel bar in Amsterdam, starting at 18h30.
Besides Ivy Circle members, we would like to invite anyone who is heading to do their MBA in the US this fall or winter. No RSVP required, just show up! For additional information contact Dave Kramer dpkramer@gmail.com.
Joshua Foer (an event organised by John Adams Institute) on Wednesday August 31st on Wed 31 Aug for at De Rode Hoed, Keizersgracht 102, Amsterdam at 8PM.
Please join us beforehand for drinks starting at 18.00, Café ‘t Arendsnest, Herengracht 90, Amsterdam (www.arendsnest.nl ). Please contact derek@vandivere.net if you plan to attend the drinks so we know how many to expect.
Foer, a Yale alum, will discuss his book “Moonwalking with Einstein”. For more details see www.john-adams.nl . The Ivy Circle has 20 discounted tickets available – first come first served. To purchase your discounted ticket, please contact john.terwilliger@gmail.com and pay €15 pp to Ivy Circle Netherlands account 5714821. Payment details: Foer 31 Aug + your name + number of guests.
On Monday September 5th, Peter Voser, CEO of Royal Dutch Shell on “Meeting Customers’ Future Energy Needs.” 6PM in The Hague.
As customer demand for secure and affordable energy grows and traditional supplies become politically and technically more difficult to reach, Peter Voser, Royal Dutch Shell’s Chief Executive Officer, invites us to listen to his thoughts on the future of energy, the geopolitical challenges and Shell’s strategy for growth. This is a combined event of the Harvard Business School and the Ivy Circle.
This is a combined event of the Harvard Business School club and Ivy Circle. Further details to follow with a confirmation after registration.
Time: Drinks 6 pm, Dinner 7 pm
Location: Royal Dutch Shell plc, Carel van Bylandtlaan 16, 2596 HR DEN HAAG
Cost We are very grateful to Shell for hosting this meeting
Registration: hbsc@planet.nl
On Thursday September 15th join Ivy Circle alumni for an evening with Olympic gold medalist Bas van de Goor at the Olympic museum, Olympic Stadium, Amsterdam from 19.30 to 22.30.
Bas van de Goor will present “Road to the Gold: the inspiring story of the Dutch national volleyball team’s gold medal journey at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics and the valuable lessons learned about teamwork and high performance.”
All entrance fees will be donated to benefit the cystic fibrosis research charity ‘Run for your Son’ http://www.runforyourson.com.
Register before September 12th with Eylard Wurpel: eylard@hotmail.com .
Cost for this event is €20pp payable to Ivy Circle Netherlands account 5714821. Please include your full name and ‘Gold Sept 15’ in the payment.
Location: Main Entrance, Olympisch Stadion 2, 1076 DE Amsteram.
Directions: http://www.olympischstadion.nl/en/66
On Sunday September 25th, fifth annual MBA Fair, in Amsterdam: Please save the date. Meeting alumni is a key aspect of the fair. If you are able to help out your school by attending your school’s information sessions on Sunday September 25th, from 12hr-15.30hr please send an email to Tamara Obradov: tobradov@gmail.com.
Alumni are also welcome at the drinks/borrel that will start at 15.30.
Every year ~130 potential applicants attend the fair looking to get more information about an MBA to see the differences between schools and meet admissions directors and alumni. As it is one of the few MBA Fairs in Europe, applicants from the Netherlands and abroad come to attend the fair. http://www.amsterdammbafair.nl/home/
The twelve schools attending this year are: Chicago Booth, Colombia Business School, Harvard Business School, IESE, IMD, Insead, Kellogg Business School, London Business School, MIT, Stanford, Tuck Business School at Dartmouth, Wharton Business School
On Thursday November 3rd, Alexander Wynaendts, CEO of Aegon on “The Challenges of Leading a Financial Institution in this Day and Age. “ 6PM in Amsterdam.
Aegon is still recovering from the financial crisis and has a number of issues on her plate. The payback of the bail-out, the stated growth challenges of pre-tax growth of 7 to 10%, the ROE growth of 10 to 12%, cash flow increase of 30% and regulation issues like the consequences of Solvency II, just to mention a few. We appreciate Alexander Wynaendts’ willingness to speak to us about the road ahead.
Time: Drinks 6 pm, Dinner 7 pm
Location: Restaurant de Kas, Kamerlingh Onneslaan 3, 1097 DE Amsterdam
Cost: € 60,=, Pls make your payment to the Harvard Business School Club of the Neth., Acc. number: , Amsterdam by October 20th
Registration: hbsc@planet.nl